DDL to recreate all your tablespaces

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Propecia price usa on the internet is as little $45 a pill But according to a new study, it's not just women who can get off the pill. It's also men, the study published by JAMA Internal Medicine found. The researchers looked at data on a small group of men who received intramuscular doses of the medicine for erectile dysfunction. And after the men took medications for six months, those who took both pills had a 60 percent drop in testosterone levels, which was a much higher than placebo response rate. That's according to a team at Buy generic viagra canadian pharmacy Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "Women have not experienced this," Dr. Richard P. Brownstein, a professor of medicine, said in a press statement. "So it's very important that we provide men with better information." Pills are not the only treatment study's lead author online pharmacy for sale believes should be offered to men. "The data suggests that testosterone replacement is safe," Dr. Aaron Smith, author of the study, said in a statement. "It is likely that men with low testosterone have underlying low-grade inflammation and would benefit from testosterone." This doesn't mean doctors should begin trying to change the body's chemistry overnight. But it does mean that more men may be looking at testosterone injections in the future. "In the future, we will see a much broader range of treatment modalities that people can use," Dr. Michael Eisenberg, the study's first author, said in the press release. You can read the full JAMA Internal Medicine study here. Image copyright AFP Image caption The number of homeless families is expected to rise despite government measures help There should be no reduction in the number of homeless families as the number of homeless families in the UK is currently at a "historic high", charity says. UK charity Shelter said the number of families sleeping rough had risen by over 500 in the last five years. The charity said rise could not be explained by cuts to housing Propecia 60 Pills 5mg $99 - $1.65 Per pill benefit or a rise in crime sickness. The government said it is working hard to tackle the problem. It also said the homelessness crisis must not be allowed to spread other areas of the country. The housing benefit cap - which forces households with a spare room to pay the same amount towards rent as those who are actually paying for their living space - applies to new social housing development projects and other large estates built after May 2016, although the government says cap will be lifted in the summer of 2018. The government says new system will make a significant impact on family homelessness, particularly children and families who are already stretched by poverty. Consequently those families who are living in private rented accommodation will not be affected. In April, UK Housing Minister Robert Goodwill said it was "unacceptable that we are spending £1bn a year on housing for homeless families, when in the vast majority of cases households at crisis point already have a roof over their head… "This is another example of why the government and Labour Party will work together to tackle the causes of homelessness, to protect the most vulnerable people, and to ensure everyone with nowhere sleep has somewhere to stay." 'Significant drop' Speaking to the BBC's World at One programme, Shelter's chief executive Keith Marsh said: "We are at a historic high level of homelessness so even though we're seeing a drop in the overall number there will be some families who"

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Use this DDL to generate a script to recreate all your permanent tablespaces. Limitations:

This script is also useful when you want to copy a database from one server to another one. A full export/import will reorganize all the tablespaces, so moving, copying, or recreating a database is a great opportunity in terms of space management. There's a problem, though: if the disks on the new server are set up differently from the source server, the full import will fail to create the necessary tablespaces.

Solution: Run the script below on the production database, edit the datafile names in the output, and run the resulting DDL on your empty target database before running the full import. The "create tablespace" statements in the export file will fail harmlessly and all data will be imported to its new home.

 select 'create tablespace ' || df.tablespace_name || chr(10)
 || ' datafile ''' || df.file_name || ''' size ' || df.bytes 
 || decode(autoextensible,'N',null, chr(10) || ' autoextend on maxsize ' 
 || maxbytes) 
 || chr(10) 
 || 'default storage ( initial ' || initial_extent 
 || decode (next_extent, null, null, ' next ' || next_extent )
 || ' minextents ' || min_extents
 || ' maxextents ' ||  decode(max_extents,'2147483645','unlimited',max_extents) 
 || ') ;'
 from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces t
 where df.tablespace_name=t.tablespace_name 

Note: Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. I'm not responsible for any damage, even if you somehow manage to make my scripts corrupt every last byte of your data, set your server on fire and serve you personally with an eviction notice from your landlord!
All scripts and tips © Natalka Roshak 2001-2005.
Enjoy the FREE tips folks...