Using the power of DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT

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Some DBAs complain that Oracle's pre-10g job queue interface is lacking. Unlike cron or Windows Scheduler, pre-10g Oracle doesn't provide a mechanism to schedule jobs to run twice a week, on the first of the month, etc.

The truth is that Oracle's job queue interface has far greater flexibility than even the most full-featured o/s job scheduler. Jobs are scheduled using the sys.dbms_job.submit routine:

  my_job number;
  dbms_job.submit(job => my_job, 
    what => 'my_procedure(foo);'
    next_date => sysdate+1,
    interval => 'sysdate+1');

The arguments for dbms_job.submit include two time-related parameters, next_date and interval.


This parameter is easy to understand and supply. You can supply it with a to_date cast of a char string, as in,
to_date('12/13/2004 02:34 PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM');
However, it's often quicker and more convenient to pass it in as a function of the SYSDATE function. Examples:
sysdate+1               --This time tomorrow 
trunc(sysdate)+1        --12:00 am tomorrow 
trunc(sysdate)+17/24    --5 pm (17:00) today  
(Recall that in Oracle date arithmetic, "+1" means add one day. "trunc(date)" returns midnight of the date passed in. Thus, "+17/24" means add 17/24ths of a day, so "trunc(sysdate)+17/24" means "17 hours past midnight today".)

The date passed in must, obviously, be greater than or equal to sysdate.


The power of this parameter is that it is a varchar2 string, not a date or a number of days or minutes. You may pass any varchar2 string you like; the only constraint is that the argument must evaluate to a date greater than the date on which the job is run. Eg:
'sysdate+1'             --Exactly 24 hours after the job's current run starts
'trunc(sysdate)+1'      --Midnight after the day the job is run
'trunc(sysdate)+17/24'  --5 PM on the day the job is run
Each time the job is run, the varchar2 string you passed in as interval is reevaluated and the job's next run date is set to the result. (If the varchar2 string passed as interval does not evaluate to a date greater than today's, or to null, dbms_job.submit returns an error. If it evaluates to null, the job is simply not run again.)

The power here is that you can write your own functions and set them to return whatever date you like. Most powerfully, your functions can depend on database state. You could set a job to run every two weeks when the status of a certain employee in your tables was "on leave", and every month otherwise.

More prosaically, you can write your own functions to run jobs only when you need them to run. For example, if I wanted to run a job only Wednesdays at 3 pm and Fridays at 5 pm, I could write this quick function:

function date_to_run_emp_job
return date
  mydate date;
  if to_char(sysdate,'D') 

Don't worry, I've done the maths for you

So we've established that Oracle's dbms_job.submit supplied procedure is, indeed, just as powerful as you want it to be. By now we've also established that it can be a major pain in the tushie to use. If you have many jobs that require complex schedules, you can wind up with a litter of disorganized functions; worse, a solid knowledge of and comfort with Oracle's date arithmetic and functions are required to really make use of the flexibility of dbms_job.submit.

The solution is a generic date package, owned by system, with execute rights granted to public, which will return some commonly wanted next_dates. Remember that the goal is to have a function that, when run right before each time job is run, evaluates to the next date you want the job to run. These functions are to be used for the interval argument of job_next_dates.

The package job_next_dates includes the following functions:

You must supply 24-hour times with a leading zero where appropriate, eg. 03:00 instead of 3:00, 00:24 instead of 0:24.

job_next_dates package

------------------------ CUT HERE ----------------------------
create or replace package job_next_dates is
Author  : NROSHAK 
Created : 12/17/2003 5:32:14 PM 
Purpose : Functions that return the next date specified.
          For the "interval" parameter of DBMS_JOB, 
          which accepts a varchar2 string that evaluates to a date. 
          These functions allow scheduling of database jobs 
          on complex schedules. 
Example :  
  dbms_job.submit(:job, 'myproc;', sysdate,
  	'job_next_dates.weekly(''MoTuWe'',''14:45'')' );
  -- In all of these functions, HOUR24 should be entered in the format 
  -- HH:MI where HH is the 24-hour hour.
  -- eg. 14:45 
  -- 00:00 is a valid value, but 24:00 is not.
  function weekly (Sun in boolean, Mon in boolean, Tue in boolean,
   Wed in boolean, Thu in boolean, Fri in boolean, Sat in boolean,
   hour24 in varchar2)
  return date;

  function weekly (daystring in varchar2, hour24 in varchar2)
   return date;

  function friendly_date(date_string in varchar2, format_string in varchar2)
   return date;

  function specific_dates(format_string in varchar2,
   date1 in varchar2,
   date2 in varchar2 default null,
   date3 in varchar2 default null,
   date4 in varchar2 default null,
   date5 in varchar2 default null)
  return date;

  function specific_dates(format_string in varchar2,
   date1 in varchar2,
   date2 in varchar2 default null,
   date3 in varchar2 default null,
   date4 in varchar2 default null,
   date5 in varchar2 default null,
   hour24 in varchar2)
  return date;
  --use this function as "interval" argument to run a job every day at 
  --the same time 
  function every_day(hour24 in varchar2)
  return date;
end job_next_dates;
create or replace package body job_next_dates is

  -- Private type declarations
	type days_t is table of boolean index by binary_integer;
procedure debug (message in varchar2)

	dbms_output.put_line ( message);
end debug;  
function time_in_minutes (hchar in varchar2)
return number
--Accepts a 24-hour string like 09:45 
--Returns number of minutes past midnight 
	hno number;
  hrs number;
  mins number;
	if hchar not like '__:__'
  	return -1;
		hno := to_number(to_char(to_date(hchar,'hh24:mi'),'sssss'))/60 ;  
   end if;
	 return hno;
	when others then
  	debug('Error in job_next_dates: Bad time supplied: ' || hchar);
    debug('Time must be in format HH24:MI');
  	return -1;
end time_in_minutes;
function weekly (Sun in boolean, Mon in boolean, Tue in boolean,
	Wed in boolean, Thu in boolean, Fri in boolean, Sat in boolean,
  hour24 in varchar2)
return date

	hno number;  --number of minutes past midnight
  today_is varchar2(5);
  day_table days_t;
  next_day_to_run number := null;
  boost_index number;

	bad_time exception;
  no_day_supplied exception;

  --check format of hour 
	hno := time_in_minutes(hour24);
  if hno  sysdate
  	boost_index := 0;
  	boost_index := 1;
  end if;
  for i in today_is+boost_index..today_is+boost_index+6
		if day_table(i) = true
    	next_day_to_run := i;
    end if;
  end loop;
  if next_day_to_run is null then
  	raise no_day_supplied;
  end if;
 	return trunc(sysdate)-today_is+next_day_to_run + hno/1440 ;
  when bad_time then
  	debug('Error in job_next_dates.weekly');
  when no_day_supplied then
  	debug('Error in job_next_dates.weekly: No day of week supplied');
  when others then
  	debug('Error in job_next_dates.weekly');
end weekly;

function weekly (daystring in varchar2, hour24 in varchar2)
return date
--daystring: Contains any of MoTuWeThFrSaSu 
--eg. job_next_dates.weekly('MoTuWeSa','16:34'); 

	mon boolean := false;
  tue boolean := false;
  wed boolean := false;
  thu boolean := false;
  fri boolean := false;
  sat boolean := false;
  sun boolean := false;
	if UPPER(daystring) like '%MO%' then
  	mon := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%TU%' then
  	TUE := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%WE%' then
  	WED := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%TH%' then
  	THU := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%FR%' then
  	FRI := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%SA%' then
  	SAT := true;
  end if;

	if UPPER(daystring) like '%SU%' then
  	SUN := true;
  end if;

	return weekly (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, hour24);
end weekly;

function friendly_date(date_string in varchar2, format_string in varchar2)
return date
	-- Useless wrapper around to_date 

	return to_date(date_string, format_string);

	when others then  
  	debug ('Error in job_next_dates.friendly_date: Bad date or format string');
    debug ( sqlerrm );
end ;

function specific_dates(format_string in varchar2,
	date1 in varchar2,
	date2 in varchar2 default null,
  date3 in varchar2 default null,
  date4 in varchar2 default null,
  date5 in varchar2 default null)
return date
	-- Specify up to five unrelated dates, all with same format string, 
  -- in any order, for the job to run 
  next_date date := null;
  curr_date date;
  currtime date;
  currtime := sysdate + 1/100000;
	curr_date := to_date(date1,format_string);
  if curr_date > currtime then
  	next_date := curr_date;
  end if;
  curr_date := to_date(date2,format_string);
  if curr_date > currtime and curr_date  currtime and curr_date  currtime and curr_date  currtime and curr_date  '02:34'); 
  retval date;
  hno number;
	hno := time_in_minutes(hour24);
  retval := specific_dates (format_string,
  	date1, date2, date3, date4, date5) + hno/1440 ;
  return retval;
	when others then
  	debug ('Error in job.next_dates.specific_dates: ');
    debug ( sqlerrm );
end specific_dates;

function every_day(hour24 in varchar2)
return date
	-- Return tomorrow at hour24 o'clock 

	return trunc(sysdate+1) + time_in_minutes(hour24)/1440 ;

	when others then 
  	debug ('Error in job.next_dates.tomorrow: ');
    debug ( sqlerrm );
end every_day;

end job_next_dates;
------------------------ CUT HERE ----------------------------

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Test all code before running it on your production system. Code provided as an example for educational purposes only. Etc.

For maximum utility, I recommend that (after testing it on your system) you install this package as a user found in all your databases, then

grant execute on myuser.job_next_dates to public;
create public synonym job_next_dates for myuser.job_next_dates;

Note: Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. I'm not responsible for any damage, even if you somehow manage to make my scripts corrupt every last byte of your data, set your server on fire and serve you personally with an eviction notice from your landlord!
All scripts and tips © Natalka Roshak 2001-2005.
Enjoy the FREE tips folks...