At-a-glance freespace monitoring



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Run as a user with SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

In the code below, I've set my alert level at 85% (ie. a file is asterisked if it is 85% full, or if contents are 85% of autoextensible limit). This is adjustable by changing the numbers in the "%" and "!" columns.

NB. For UNIX systems, change the '\' in the fname_root column to a '/'.

 * tsfreespace.sql
 * NR 2001-2004
 * sizes in MB

set echo off
set pagesize 16
set linesize 200
col fname_root for a30

select /*+ RULE */ df.tablespace_name, substr(df.file_name,1,2) drive,
round(df.bytes/(1024*1024),0) filesize,
round(sum(fs.bytes)/(1024*1024),2) used,
decode( sum(fs.bytes), 0, 0, round(100*sum(fs.bytes)/df.bytes,2)) pctused,
decode( sign(85-round(100*sum(nvl(fs.bytes,1))/df.bytes,2)),-1,'*','') "%",
round(df.maxbytes/(1024*1024),0) maxsize,
decode( sign(85-round(100*sum(nvl(fs.bytes,1))/df.maxbytes,2)),-1,'*','') "!",
substr(df.file_name, instr(df.file_name,'\',-1)+1, length(df.file_name)) fname_root
from dba_data_files df,
dba_extents fs
where df.file_id=fs.file_id(+)
group by df.tablespace_name, df.file_name, df.file_id, df.bytes, df.autoextensible, 
order by 1,2
set echo on

Sample output:

------------------------------ -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - --- ---------- - ------------
ASP_DATA                       G:          4       2000    1529.98       76.5   YES       3000   ASP_DAT1.DBF
BULK_LOAD                      G:         11       3950    2356.54      59.66   YES       3999   BULKLD1.DBF
DRSYS                          G:          3         50       1.85        3.7   YES       1000   DRSYS1.DBF
EREQ_SPACE                     G:         12       1200     935.88      77.99   YES       3000   EREQ01.DBF
FAC_EFFORT                     G:         14        200       2.69       1.34   YES        300   FAC_EFF1.DBF
GRAVEYARD                      G:          6        320     229.88      71.84   YES       2000   GRAVYD01.DBF
INDICES                        G:          5       2500    2153.61      86.14 * YES       3000   ASP_IDX1.DBF
INDX                           G:         13        900     699.32       77.7   YES       1000   EREQIND1.DBF
METADATA                       G:          7         44      17.09      38.84   YES       1024   METADATA.DBF
PS_DATA                        G:         16       3500    2971.12      84.89   YES       3999   PSDATA1.DBF
RLOG                           G:         17       1016    1016.05        100 * YES       3000   RLOG1.DBF
ROLLBACK                       G:          2       2200      49.41       2.25   YES       2500   RBACK1.DBF
SYSTEM                         G:          1        400     317.28      79.32   YES       3999   SYSTEM1.DBF
TOOLS                          G:         15        200      45.06      22.53   YES       1000   TOOLS1.DBF
USER_DATA                      G:          8       1400    1242.26      88.73 * YES       1600   USER1.DBF
UTILITY_DATA                   G:         10       1000     778.16      77.82   YES       2000   UTILITY1.DBF
WORK_ARCH                      G:          9       1200    1049.28      87.44 * YES       3000   WORKAR1.DBF

Note: Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. I'm not responsible for any damage, even if you somehow manage to make my scripts corrupt every last byte of your data, set your server on fire and serve you personally with an eviction notice from your landlord!
All scripts and tips © Natalka Roshak 2001-2005.
Enjoy the FREE tips folks...