DOS Shell Script to grep through an Oracle Alert Log for errors



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This is relatively easy to do on a *nix platform, but annoying to do in DOS -- even with a couple of easy-to-find Unix-style tools loaded.

This shell script comes in two parts: the calling script and the grepping script. The calling script supplies the names and locations of all your logfiles, and the grepping script searches each of them for ORA- errors that occurred on the current date.

Grepping script

This shell script requires the following:

echo off

rem *****************************************************************************
rem *                                log_grep.exe                               *
rem *                                                                           *
rem * Takes 1 argument, the logfile fully qualified name                        *
rem *****************************************************************************

set logfile=%1
set nix=d:\progra~1\unixdos
set gnu=p:\cvs\bin

rem *****************************************************************************
rem * THE AGONY OF WINDOWS DATES                                                *
rem * These manipulations produce a string like 'Thu Nov 08' as in the logfile  *
rem * They require the sed script c:\datefix.txt, which changes month number to *
rem * month day, strips the year from the end, changes slashes to spaces, and   *
rem * strips trailing spaces.                                                   *
rem * They assume that your local date format produces a date \T output like    *
rem * Wed 11/14/2001                                                            *
rem *****************************************************************************

for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('date /t') do echo %%1 > tmp.txt
%nix%\sed -f d:\tree\datefix.txt tmp.txt > tmp1.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('%nix%\cat tmp1.txt') do set ds=%%1

rem Grep for the line number of the first occurrence of the date in the 
%nix%\grep -n "%ds%" %logfile% | %nix%\head -1 > tmp2.txt
%nix%\sed -e "s#:#|#" -e "s#|.*##" tmp2.txt > tmp3.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('%nix%\cat tmp3.txt') do set ln=%%1
rem Get the last line number in the file
%nix%\grep -n " " %logfile% | %nix%\tail -1 > tmp2.txt
%nix%\sed -e "s#:#|#" -e "s#|.*##" tmp2.txt > tmp3.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('%nix%\cat tmp3.txt') do set lastln=%%1

rem Stick the day's log entries to date in a temp file and grep for ORA 
%nix%\getlines %ln% %lastln% %logfile% > tmp.txt
%gnu%\grep -B3 "ORA-" tmp.txt

del tmp*.txt

Calling script

Modify this script with the names of your monitored instances and logfiles. After it's finished repeatedly calling
log_grep.bat , it will pop open a Notepad window with the output.
set myfile1=\\myserver1\c$\oracle\ora81\admin\bdump\trn4\trn4alrt.log
set myfile2=\\myserver2\d$\oracle\ora81\admin\trn3\bdump\trn3alrt.log
set myfile3=\\myserver3\c$\orant\admin\trn2\bdump\trn2alrt.log
echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('date /t') do set dst=%%1
echo Errors for %dst% > log_err.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in ('time /t') do set dst=%%1
echo as of %dst% >> log_err.txt
echo ------------------------------------------------------------ >> log_err.txt
echo MYINSTANCE1 >> log_err.txt
call d:\log_grep.bat %myfile1% >> log_err.txt
echo ------------------------------------------------------------ >> log_err.txt
echo MYINSTANCE2 >> log_err.txt
call d:\tree\log_grep.bat %myfile2% >> log_err.txt
echo ------------------------------------------------------------ >> log_err.txt
echo MYINSTANCE3 >> log_err.txt
call d:\tree\log_grep.bat %myfile3% >> log_err.txt
echo ------------------------------------------------------------ >> log_err.txt

notepad log_err.txt

Note: Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. I'm not responsible for any damage, even if you somehow manage to make my scripts corrupt every last byte of your data, set your server on fire and serve you personally with an eviction notice from your landlord!
All scripts and tips © Natalka Roshak 2001-2005.
Enjoy the FREE tips folks...